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Taking a minute to share some recent frames from my Holga. Kodak Portra 400VC for you film geeks. Lately I’ve had the urge to shoot some film again and keeping it simple. I recently became another statistic in the decline of newspapers as I was laid off from my staff photographer position. I’m looking at it as a blessing to pursue a some ideas that I have not had time for, and motivation to get rolling on some personal projects. More photos after the jump…

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Posts have been few and far between in the last year here, but not because I haven’t been shooting… my photojournalism work with a Seattle-area news group has kept me more than busy. With the uncertainty in the world of the staff photographer, I have started the labor of love that is a portfolio rebuild and a heartfelt effort to find a personal project or two this year. Above, is an image from the Palouse in Eastern Washington, a country road intersection well off the beaten path on January 14, 2012. Good things on the horizon and a concerted effort to share more here on the blog.

Grammy-award winning singer John Legend recently made an appearance for Hopelink, a Seattle-area charity serving homeless and low-income families, during their annual fundraising luncheon. I was assigned to photograph the noted recording artist during a brief media interview time prior to the lunch appearance.

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Just a little something sweet that caught my eye recently… The Matrix meets surfing. You can read more about the Rip Curl project using 52 Canon DSLRs and behind the scenes info over at PetaPixel. Have a great weekend!

Cameras are everywhere, the most prevalent are in our mobile devices, and the old photography cliche of “being in the right place at the right time” rings true. It has never been easier to take and transmit images from anywhere. I will be the first to admit incessant image taking with my iPhone, such as the rainy commute above. With my roots in photojournalism, this reader-submitted gallery of yesterday’s storm in NYC on the New York Times caught my eye. But with the ease of information transmission and user generated content, so come the pitfalls such as disinformation as TIME was duped by a photo snatched from Twitter showing a tornado near the Statue of Liberty. The surprise to me was that the image was actually real, but had been taken in 1976. It is a good reminder that while photojournalists cannot be everywhere at once on breaking news events, as professionals they can provide true and trusted images.

UPDATE 09.20.10: Not directly a photography related bit, but an interesting timeline about the prematurely reported death of NHL coach Pat Burns.

Data backup and workflow is an integral part of all business, but especially for photographers and a visual artists. There is no excuse for losing images in the digital age. Multiple redundant drives in the office and offsite are already a part of my standard backup protocol, but I’m always looking to improve and streamline my workflow and backup strategies. I’m currently test driving Apple’s Aperture 3 and Adobe’s Lightroom 3 to see which system I prefer as explore a change in my current workflow process. Friend and renowned photographer Chase Jarvis put together a recent video, above, and a blog post on how his shop handles their voluminous work load. Check it out, and find some nuggets that work for you. As Chase says about his system, it’s all scalable and to tailor your system to your specific needs. Also, photographer Zack Arias weighed in with his own workflow using Photo Mechanic — my current preference for import/editing/organizing before correcting images in the industry-standard Photoshop.

Data backup is not just for professional photographers, but for everyone! Remember that great photo from your kid’s first birthday? How about that sweet sunset in Hawaii on vacation? How about that video of crazy Uncle Bob dancing? Well, they will only be memories if you don’t take care to properly store and backup your data. It can be as simple as having an external hard drive (or 2!) at home with duplicate info and a third that you backup — monthly, weekly, whenever you shoot something new — stored in the closet at a friends house <——— I still do this, by the way, if only that it is easy, cheap and good reason to share a beer with a friend. Pick something that fits your needs and budget, but do back it up. Saves a lot of heartache and headache in the future.

I had a good laugh at this video demonstration, and tried to imagine what assignments I’d need it for… Putting aside real conflict zones and gang wars, some quick ideas come to mind for Soldier of Fortune, Field & Stream, the wilderness in Alaska, an episode of CSI?!? This is tongue in cheek (I hope, I know I’m taking it that way) and the producer of the video is getting what they want — a little viral exposure. Gives a more heightened sense to the phrase I commonly hear (and say), “I shoot people.” Feel free to add your ideas where the gear could have an application in the comments. On a side note: I would love to photograph an editorial assignment for Field & Stream, as they have regularly have great images for cover stories. Enjoy!

You can’t say, “but I need to make a fortune instead,” because that’s not happening right now. So you might as well join the people who can say, “I love doing this.”

Another great morsel to chew on from Seth Godin. Just another reminder of how much I love making photographs… One has little to complain about if they love their work. Follow your calling even if it takes time, blood, sweat and tears to make it happen.

Bell Labs researchers Willard Boyle (left) and George Smith in 1974, demonstrating their CCD. Photo: © Alcatel-Lucent/Bell Labs

Bell Labs researchers Willard Boyle (left) and George Smith in 1974, demonstrating their CCD. Photo: © Alcatel-Lucent/Bell Labs

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics to three inventors who worked with light, including Boyle and Smith, the two Americans who developed a digital sensor that revolutionized photography. Via PDN, and more on the 2009 Nobel Prize for Physics.

“Your industry has been completely and permanently altered by the connections offered by the internet.”  -Seth Godin

A quick clip from today’s post on Seth Godin’s blog… Yes it has, so what are you doing about it as a photographer? What am I doing about it?

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